- scientific conferences, papers, authors ...

About us

 confOrganiser -  Your associate

confOrganiser a unique system of electronic support for organization of scientific, professional meetings, based on cloud computing technology. The convenience of the system is that without investment in IT, infrastructure, experts, software, and space, the organizer has the potential ability to easily, quickly and efficiently organize a scientific event, conference or congress.

The conference allows the use of a platform for unlimited number of conferences, offering a modular system with a high degree automatization, while reducing the possibility of data loss and reduce organizational costs.

After registration and entering basic information about the conference, system is ready for acceptance of abstracts, papers, supporting presentations, video content etc.

It brings a lot of benefits for the organizers, such as: less time for organization, saving your own resources, quality improvement of organization, less financial costs, better promotion of the scientific event etc.

The system has the possibility to generate a set of usefull reports. Among them are the book of abstracts, list of authors, the possibility of various analyzes and their presentations with diagrams of conferences as well as automatic creation of diagrams. Organizer has  a reduced costs concerning investments in hardware.

Data of previous conferences and the received papers will not be deleted from the database. Conferences can be searched and grouped by multiple criteria. Among them are the scientific fields and the countries in which are held. Categorized information are  then available on special portals or subdomains.

User (organizer, reviewer, author) can only be registered once on the system.

Essential locations for events are marked on map for easier arrival and orientation of the participants.

The vision of our company is to become a leader in providing expertise and technical support for the organization and preparation of various conferences, seminars etc.

The mission is development of quality cloud system support for the organizers of various conferences, seminars, etc. Creating the most complete database of conferences and events classified by scientific fields and countries, the database of scientific and technical workers (authors) and their professional and reviewed papers, presentations and supporting videos.

Video of confOrganiser - recorded for the purpose of the competition "The best technological innovation in 2011 for Serbia and Republic of Srpska"

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Date: 16.12.2013.